Workshop Title
The learner is expected to select and evaluate entrepreneurial needs analysis methods

Step by step instructions for the preparation and implementation of the workshop

Methods of training needs analysis

Step 1: please present the methods “observation”, “interviews”, “focus group discussions”, “surveys”, “document reviews”, duration 30 min.

Step 2: exercise 1- entrepreneurial self assessment survey, please let the students fill out the survey. The interpretation of the survey is under the attachment C6_6_2, duration 30 min.

SWOT analysis

Step 1: please present the entrepreneurial SWOT analysis, duration 15 min

Step 2: exercise 2 – individual entrepreneurial or business SWOT analysis, let the students develop an individual entrepreneurial or business SWOT analysis. Some induvial SWOT analysis can be discussed in a group, duration 45 min. Please use Attachment 0.3.
