Workshop Title
The learner is expected to evaluate the value of an idea

Step by step instructions for the preparation and implementation of the workshop


Let the participants present themselves and their background then learning outcomes, short introduction and why ideas should be evaluated on Power Point. (PPT)


All instructions are on the PPT slides!

Step 1: Let the participants discuss with a partner for 10 minutes how they evaluated ideas in the past and why they made such decisions.

Step 2: Facilitate a group discussion where participants should share how they used to evaluate ideas they had in the past and if they think that they used methods or techniques. (20 min)


Step 1: Present slides: “Is it worth it 1+2, Benefits & Costs, Identifying successful ideas” and try to get questions from the audience to facilitate communication and discussion about theory within the group.


 Participants should form groups of 3 for this exercise. They may leave the classroom.

Step 1: Groups should think and discuss what questions they can ask to determine if opening a store that sells fishing equipment can be successful.

Step 2: The Questions should be grouped into categories and the categories drawn/written on a flipchart (e.g. for categories: finances, human resources, market…)

Step 3: Each group should be able to present under what circumstances they think it is a good idea and under what circumstances it would not be a good idea and why they have selected the categories.

Step 4: Each group presents to the other teams their results

Step 5: Group discussion about factors that some teams might have missed that are however crucial for success.


Step 1: Present the 8 points under “What to consider when evaluating ideas” (Time, Cost…)

Step 2: Summarize all points again

Step 3: Present the criteria from Tesco and the example from McDonalds and as indicated on the slide, facilitate a group discussion about other products or companies that participants know of.

Step 4: The Slide “When NOT to evalute ideas” is of course a little ice breaker and should lighten the mood and show participants with a simple example that certain decisions have very little value and are not really important.

Evaluate your business idea (Attachment 0.2)

Step 1: Divide the participants in groups of 5 and hand every group member Attachment 0.2 + 1 Extra, groups may also leave the classroom

Step 2: Let the groups come up with 4 different innovative business ideas that are realistic

Step 3: The group will write all 4 ideas on a flipchart

Step 4: Evaluation of the 4 business ideas takes place individually at first, according to the criteria set on the worksheet (attachment 0.2), a score from 1 to 3 for each business idea with 3 being the best and 1 the worst will be distributed. When all group members have evaluated all 4 business ideas, the group comes together and makes one final ranking for the group – sum up all values for each criteria and divide them by the number of group members.

Step 5: Come back together in the classroom and the first group starts by presenting their 4 ideas but doesn’t mention which idea “won” or scored best within that team. After a group presented, the other groups can guess which idea they think won within that group.

(Time distributed according to group size, if more groups -> plan more time for presentation and discussion about which idea won)
