Source of the 3 checklists for idea evaluation, provides a great summary about different tools that can be used to evaluate ideas …

The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss the reasons why business models fail, while also identifying the features necessary …

More informationsand thoughts about the importance of having a business plan and why a Business Model Canvas provides a simple way for …

From this article, you will know what is the importance of creative behavior or reasons why creativity is important.

These tips can be an advantage for fresh team leaders. You can use it also as a beginner.

Take Ownership of Your Actions by Taking Responsibility

Concepts and ideas to deal with changes’ meaning and alterations’ meaning

Basic conceptual framework to deal with alterations.

This paper offers a decision making procedure for solving complex problems step by step. It presents the decision analysis process for both …

In the business world, decision-making mechanisms have been studied extensively and we are now beginning to get a clearer idea of best …