In this article, you can find the 9 traits that every entrepreneur should develop for success.

A very interesting and comprehensive article about who is an entrepreneur, what do they do, how they achieve their entrepreneurial goals

Recently, studies involving the creation of business value in Agile Software Development (ASD) have been growing substantially. However, the concept of value …

Agile methods are an essential resource for software engineers. The Agile movement evolved out of industry and is the common approach to …

This paper offers a decision making procedure for solving complex problems step by step. It presents the decision analysis process for both …

In the business world, decision-making mechanisms have been studied extensively and we are now beginning to get a clearer idea of best …

What makes for a good strategy in highly uncertain business environments? Some executives seek to shape the future with high-stakes bets. Eastman …

When we think about training in the workplace, soft skills can often be overlooked because they’re not as tangible as ‘hard skills’ …

възможностите за използване на благоприятните пред-поставки за подобряване на качествените характеристики на група от системни показатели като условие за повишаване на конкурентоспособ-ния …

Обект на изследване в студията е бизнес средата в страната и по-конкретно показатели на външната среда, при които предприятията имат силно ограничени …